Thursday Aug 10, 2023
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM CDT
August 10th 3:30pm
Emerging Technology Complex 7403 Lone Tree Road Victoria, Texas 77905
Tickets are $10 for STSHRM members, $25 for non STSHM members, and free for students. Following the presentation we will have a mix and mingle networking opportunity.
Please go directly to our website at for event details
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South Texas SHRM is happy to announce that we will be hosting Julie Burch on August 10, 2023 from 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM, to conduct a presentation on I am SOOOOO Stressed Out - This Isn't Your Mam's Stress Management. Participants of the session will learn: How to identify the “good” stress and “bad” stress Understanding our optimal stress The answer to two key questions to manage any stressful situation Have a guaranteed, surefire way to turn your love of dessert and the King of Rock and Roll into a practical, real-world way to control your stress!
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Victoria Chamber of Commerce for more information.
P.O. Box 2465, Victoria, Texas 77902 – (361) 573-5277 –